Favourite Song Friday – Roger

Wow, what a week, especially in American politics.

With a little of bit of irony (that I hope my American friends and readers will appreciate) this week’s Favourite Song is Get Used To It by Roger Voudouris.

Favourite Song Friday, Roger Voudouris - Get Used to it

I just loved this song when I first heard it and it has been on my favourite list ever since.

I still turn it up very loudly in my car and on my iPod too.

Sadly Roger passed away in 2003, very young, and I confess to not really knowing any of his other songs but I am probably not alone in this.

I couldn’t find a good quality clip of him singing this song, but you’ll get the idea from this video.

Look at that hair, those jeans, those moves…

…what else could you ask for from a favourite song on a Friday (other than a different president, I guess…)

Please let me know if you loved Roger, or share any other Favourite Songs with us here.


I'd love to hear your thoughts on this topic, or anything else on your mind.