What tourists did before selfies

Before selfies became the norm (and before the Kardashians almost owned the term)  tourists had to rely upon the kindness of strangers for those important holiday snaps and memories of a youth spent travelling. When visiting Rome, in 2010, my husband was keen to visit some of the locations from Federico Fellini’s La Dolce Vita….

One November in Turkey (part 1)

Originally posted on Life In Camelot – travel blog:
His steely eyes surveyed me through a sea of stubble (his five o’clock shadow grew well past the usual demarcation lines), as he slung my overly heavy backpack into the deep hole beneath the bus, one November in Turkey. He grunted and jerked his head towards…

Travel Theme: Flavour

This week’s travel theme is flavour. We found this wildly specific treat in Fortnum & Masons in London.   They can be found next to the toasted scorpions… Have you ever eaten a scorpion, with or without toffee? What did it taste like? What other fascinating flavours have you found on your travels?

Travel theme: Paths

This week’s travel theme  is paths and here is one past journey with some of the places and pleasures it lead to: The pathway into London was awash with light while the dark Thames snaked its way through the city. On the ground, the path alongside the Thames embankment brought some interesting and exotic surprises:…

Favourite Song Friday – Same Old Lang Syne

This is my final Favourite Song Friday (have a look at my others here) because it is the second last day of this year, and coincidentally my daughter’s 20th birthday, and I shall start another episodic topic next year (stay tuned for that – pun intended…) Tomorrow is New Year’s Eve and people will be…

Favourite Song Friday – The Snowman

It is Christmas time and whilst I have never been a lover of many of the traditions surrounding this feast that are associated with a cold climate, e.g. plum pudding, mince tarts, eggnog and hot roast dinners on a sweltering summer day (in Australia), there are some things I do love and one of them…

Favourite Song Friday – Gabriel

Today is my wedding anniversary so this is a mushy Favourite Song Friday: In Your Eyes by Peter Gabriel Who remembers John Cusack in the very forgettable movie Say Anything, standing with his boom box held high playing this song, wearing his heart on sleeve trying to impress his young love? Peter Gabriel’s album SO…

Time travel (how I wish I could)

“The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot.” – Michael Althsuler This weekend marks the 30th anniversary of the start of my big overseas backpacking adventure. On September 9th 1986, at a very tender age, I set off alone into the wild blue yonder. I had lots of time, and…

Travel theme: Sport

This week’s topic from Where’s My Backpack blog – Travel theme: Sport Travelling isn’t always as easy as it should be on holiday and some of what you experience (or endure) can feel like you are participating in an olympic sport. First, you must get your bags to the airport or cruise terminal. This involves…

Travel theme: Dazzling

Being a lover of all things that glitter and sparkle, I was enchanted by the notion of a blog post entitled Dazzling and couldn’t wait to post my own.  So I searched through some of my travel photos to pick some of the prettiest and, most dazzling. Coincidentally, just today I went through a display…