Before they closed Tasmania…

Back in February 2020, before they closed Tasmania (because of the Covid-19 restrictions),  my husband and I flew down there for a weekend getaway and we found it even more charming than our last visit with a few delightful surprises.

Life in Camelot - Before they Closed Tasmania
The appeal of this place is crystal clear

We picked up our hire car at Hobart airport and drove straight down to the Huon Valley.

Life in Camelot - Before they Closed Tasmania
My turn to drive
Life in Camelot - Before they Closed Tasmania
They have the odd view or two

We had booked accommodation for 2 nights in the town of Cygnet.

We’ve stayed in this tiny town before and it has become incredibly popular over the past 10 years with mainlanders migrating here for a tree and sea change.

Life in Camelot - Before they Closed Tasmania
Still waiting to become a swan…

Of course the scenery was beautiful, the food was delicious and the people were welcoming but this trip we saw some places we’d not been to before.

We followed the Channel Highway right around the coast, beyond our usual journeys, where we stumbled upon the small rural community of Verona Sands.

Life in Camelot - Before they Closed Tasmania
Tranquil and pretty even on a cloudy day

Located approximately 46kms from Hobart, it has a recorded population of 78 residents, but we found a few locals who don’t appear on the census and who call the water their home.

First we chanced upon these two black swans frolicking at the beach – we had no idea that swans liked salt water.

Life in Camelot - Before they Closed Tasmania
These two, waiting for a wave
Life in Camelot - Before they Closed Tasmania
The shallows are just as nice

And then just around the corner, along this same stretch of coastline, my husband spotted a seal and without disturbing him we managed to watch him living his best life.

Life in Camelot - Before they Closed Tasmania
This guy doesn’t need the surf
Life in Camelot - Before they Closed Tasmania
Dancing like nobody’s watching

It was a bit tricky to capture him as he swum and spun through the calm water.

But I did manage to film him for a minute, as he rejoiced in his ocean habitat.



This part of the world is a beautiful place for reflection, and not a bad spot if you have to be isolated, especially now that Tasmania has closed the door to everyone who doesn’t live there.

Life in Camelot - Before they Closed Tasmania
Picture postcard perfect

The whole of the Huon Valley is pretty special and we packed as much as we could into our weekend.

I made a dinner reservation at the new Port Cygnet Cannery for Saturday night.

Life in Camelot - Before they Closed Tasmania
The sun slowly sinks on Cygnet, and we head off for pizza
Life in Camelot - Before they Closed Tasmania
The view from the Cannery
Life in Camelot - Before they Closed Tasmania
The hub of the Cannery

Located in an old fruit cannery, this new restaurant and cafe, that shares the building with a winery, is a much needed addition to the community of Cygnet, where you could previously not dine out past 8.00pm (we learnt this through experience).

We had a couple of shared plates before our individual pizzas and wines by the glass, which were also local, and good!

Life in Camelot - Before they Closed Tasmania
Here’s cheers to pizza
Life in Camelot - Before they Closed Tasmania
We just had to have our own

We enjoyed it so much we returned the next morning for Cinnamon Sunday, consisting of cappuccinos and baked goodies, handmade by Franca.

Life in Camelot - Before they Closed Tasmania
Franca next to the pizza oven, AKA Dante the Inferno
Life in Camelot - Before they Closed Tasmania
Some of the breakfast goodies
Life in Camelot - Before they Closed Tasmania
Just give me sugar, that’s what I want…
Life in Camelot - Before they Closed Tasmania.
Need I say more?

This place should definitely be on your list of places to visit, when Tasmania opens the doors again.

Before heading back to Hobart we checked out the local Cygnet Market (held on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month).

Life in Camelot - Before they Closed Tasmania
Ready to shop?
Life in Camelot - Before they Closed Tasmania
They’ve got it all

We will definitely return when Tasmania is open for business to visitors again, whenever that may be.

Life in Camelot - Before they Closed Tasmania
The colour-coordinated traveller

Until then, I look forward to hearing your stories of unexpected delights when you have travelled, locally or overseas.


I'd love to hear your thoughts on this topic, or anything else on your mind.