Words of Wisdom Wednesday #5

Life in Camelot - Words of Wisdom Wednesday #5 - travel journals

Keeping some form of travel journal or notebook will pay dividends when you get home and want to be reminded of some experiences, thoughts, ideas or even sketches.

We think we will remember every detail but we don’t.

Having even the briefest of notes gives pleasure long after we’ve returned home.

I have so many travel notebooks that I feel I should compile them into a book some day and share some of the pleasures (and some of the mishaps) of my many journeys.

I also look forward to reading through them all and reliving the joy when I can no longer travel.

Until then, I shall keep on writing.

I’d love to know how you chronicle your travels too.

17 Comments Add yours

  1. Yukti says:

    Sometimes I keep travel diaries or sometimes I sketch my experiences in form of painting. But it is true that we should write or paint our travel experiences to keep them alive.

    1. If I could draw I would certainly do that as well as writing in my journals. I’m jealous of people who can do both.

  2. Kelly says:

    I love keeping a travel journal. I do it for work but also to remind myself of my trip. I also find it very cathartic.

    1. I think it is akin to writing letters from your travels. I know people don’t do this anymore because of the internet and Facebook, etc., but I have a lot of my old travel letters too and they are amazing to look back upon too.

  3. I too believe it taking notes and having travel journals. Other than that I take recordings and pictures of the places I visit to capture all the memories.

    1. Oh goodness, all my hundreds of photos of my travels have to be catalogued too and I’m hoping to get them into some blog posts soon.

  4. Esther Namugerwa says:

    I’ve not had any kind of travel journals so far. I just document my travels on my blog. But i usually note down a few things that i find interesting and i add them on my blog. But i think its a good idea to one day turn your journals into one big book.

    1. I am so glad I started writing a journal back when I was young and travelling the world. Honestly I don’t think I could have remembered all the details about my wonderful journeys if I hadn’t put them down on paper first.

  5. I haven’t had a travel journal separately, but I’ve been writing things down from time to time. I feel like, especially in the mornings, it can help me concentrate and get myself together. Thanks for sharing! 🙂

    1. Strangely I tend to write things down at the end of the day, but whatever works for you is the best way to do it.
      Thanks for commenting.

  6. Chandni says:

    I completely agree! Keeping notes is very important while travelling so you can put it out in detail once you’re back!

    1. Sometimes I get cross with myself at the volume I write – and I could write even more – because it cuts into the journey at little, but I am determined to do it regardless.

  7. Inna says:

    I totally agree with you on documenting the travels, as it is so interesting to read about them after some time.

    1. It is interesting to read about your travels when you return home to ‘normal life’ but I’m hoping that I get joy out of them for many years to come, and then perhaps other people will read them when I’m no longer here…

  8. Linda says:

    Travel notes and sketches are particularly a boon during “dry spells” from the road, when you’re having to buckle down at home and work – They bring back such marvelous memories so instantaneously that really hit that magical pleasure point 😉
    I love ‘story mapping’ which are cartoon like doodle mind maps!!! They’re fun to do each evening and like a comic such a breeze to ‘read’ back ❤

    1. And you do them so beautifully Linda. I’m a huge fan, as you know.

  9. That does sound like a good idea 😊

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