Favourite Song Friday – Cohn

The year is rapidly coming to a close and during this countdown to Christmas everyone seems to be rushing around, driving badly, jumping queues and generally raising my anxiety levels.

So this Friday’s Favourite Song is one of my calming tunes and hopefully it will lower your blood pressure too.

Walking in Memphis by Marc Cohn

Life in Camelot, Favourite Song Friday - Marc Cohn

This song came from his debut, self-titled album in 1991 and there isn’t a single track on it I don’t like.

I had been living in New Zealand in 1991 and returned to Australia in early 1992, after just over a year away.  Marc Cohn’s lyrics refer to boarding a plane, ghosts of the past and the ability to live in the moment and I shared these emotions as I ‘boarded the plane’ home to Sydney.

I bought myself a copy of the CD early on after hearing this song played constantly on the radio and if it had been an LP rather than a CD, I would have worn out the grooves and many a needle by now (but the young readers may not have a clue what I’m referring to…)

So please enjoy this favourite song on this frenzied Friday, a fortnight before Christmas.

And don’t forget to let me know about the songs you listen to again, and again and again.









Next week I thought I should post a Christmas song and the following, and final week, I will have a song appropriate to New Year’s Eve.

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this topic, or anything else on your mind.